Tuesday, May 18, 2010

30 Things;

I'm bored.
1. I am in my BMAS1 class right now. They finally unlocked the internet.
2. I should be doing my study guide. But I get bored easily.
3. I'm having a pizza party today in Math.
4. I dyed my hair dark brown and got it cut.
5. I reallllllly can't wait for summer, but I am going to miss school.
6. Mine & Lj's three months was on Sunday. <3
7. Our 6 months is on my sisters birthday & our 8 months is on my grandpas birthday.
8. LJ started racing his dirtbike on Saturday. Well, he was in begginer class and he is a little more experienced than them. And he had the holeshot when he took off, but then as he was turning someone hit him right on and spun his back tire out. He flew off his dirt bike. Me, my mom, Laura(Lj's mom), Alex, and a few other people, were all on the bleachers watching. We saw the wreck but didn't think it was him. So we waited for him to jump the 90 footer. But he didn't show up, so we ran down the bleachers and over to the fence. & sure enough there he was. He was standing up holding his dirtbike. He said he got ran over a few times. But he is better.
9. When I didn't see him after the wreck, I was scared. LOVE is a feling that no one can describe. I was worried. I was shaking and freaking out like crazy. He finally came up to me and gave me hug and told me he was fine.
10. I am in love. That is for sure.
11. All the girls are planning a trip to Wet-N-Wild this summer. It's gonnna be EPIC.
12. Tomorrow I am babysitting Connor and taking him to Taco Bell.
13. I'm hanging out with Brittney tomorrow and Thursday.
14.I plan on getting acrylic nails soon.
15. I'm going to Vegas June 11 for my cousins graduation.
16. I will be the next Stafford in the family to graduate.
17. I reallllllly miss my Grandpa Jack a lot lately.
18. I want fooooood.
19. I need to sleep. I am so tired.
20. My parents are being really retarded. They took away my Tuesdays and Sundays. They think I'm getting too attached to LJ.
21. I have been listening to Taylor Swift a lot lately. hahah.
22. I made two shirts for LJ's races. One is a tshirt and it say "My BOYFRIEND is FASTER than yours!" on the front & on the back it has his last name and number. On the second one, the front says, "I''m in love with a MOTOCROSS racer." and the back is the same as the other one.
23. I got Jared and Brittney to start talking. She really likes him and he really likes her. I think he's gonna ask her out on Wednesday. :D
24.I'm doing really good. I have been in such a great mood lately.
25. I'm really craving Mexican Food<3
26. I want to see Amber, Sam, & Devin really bad.
27. My back is aching super bad. I hate these chairs.
28. I need a babysitting job.
29. :D
30. I'm done. Wow. That took up half my classsss:D

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